더 좋게 만들기: Elementar는 120년 이상의 경험을 바탕으로 한 원소 분석 분야의 기술 리더입니다. 그동안의 기술적 노하우를 적용하여 이제 우리는 사용자의 요구에 초점을 맞춰 이미 입증된 미량 원소 분석기 vario MICRO cube를 또 다른 차원으로 끌어올리고 있습니다.
그 결과 탄소, 수소, 질소 및 황의 원소 분석을 위한 새로운 UNICUBE가 탄생했습니다. UNICUBE는 마이크로 원소 분석기의 저비용 및 감도와 매크로 분석기의 유연성 및 뛰어난 견고성을 제공합니다.
0.1mg에 불과한 의약품을 1g의 불균질 토양 시료만큼이나 정확하게 분석할 수 있습니다. 휘발성 휘발유 또는 내열 탄화규소는 석탄, 식품 또는 하수 슬러지와 마찬가지로 원소의 제한 없이 CHNS 또는 CNS, CHN, CN, O 및 Cl의 조합을 한 번의 샘플 실행으로 동시에 분석할 수 있습니다.
새로운 자체 제어 공기 순환 냉각 시스템 덕분에 UNICUBE는 동급에서 가장 조용한 원소 분석기가 되었습니다. 떨어지는 빗소리보다 크지 않은 UNICUBE의 낮은 소음 수준은 편안한 작업을 가능하게 합니다.
명확하게 배열되어 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 시스템 구성 요소와 슬라이드식 퍼니스는 유지 보수를 최소화하고 가동 시간을 최대화합니다. 별도의 도구 없이 연결할 수 있는 클램프 시스템은 언제든지 기기를 안정적으로 누설 없이 운영할 수 있게합니다. 따라서 사용자는 원활한 분석과 결과에 대한 확신을 가질 수 있습니다.
CHNS, CHN, CNS, CN: all available from the basic unit.
Optional detection of oxygen and chlorine (with TCD or IR)
All modes are suitable for the analysis of solid & liquid organic and the majority of inorganic samples.
High temperature combustion
quantitative sample digestion at up to 1200 °C – with ten years furnace warranty (1800 °C at the point of combustion when tin foil is used). This is the prerequisite for 100% recovery also with samples difficult to combust. Jet injection of oxygen directly to the sample leads to highest oxygen concentrations at the point of combustion and low gas consumption
Largest weighing range
from micro (< 0.1 mg) to macro (1 g soil) sample weight, depending on requirements up to 50 mg organic matter
Largest dynamic range of element concentrations and element ratio
up to 14 mg C abs. (50 mg C in CN mode, requires optional configuration) or 10 mg N abs. (or 100%, depending on analysis mode and sample matrix), from ppm to 100%
Direct Temperature programmed Desorption (direct TPD)
Separation of gaseous components with an optimized TPD column for perfect separation without peak overlap. Automated optimization of the time per analysis
Multipoint calibration
stable over months and matrix-independent
Instrument control
with a standard PC for perfect results also for unknown or heavily variable sample matrices with integrated sample feeder for 120 samples, 21 CFR part 11 functionality available. Possibility for remote service due to full digitalization of the instrument electronics. System control under Linux also possible.
One high-performance instrument for all applications
No expensive special catalysts, easy ash removal from the combustion tube and long lifetime of all components are the basis for a low cost of ownership
Clean, safe, fast
The analysis only takes a few minutes, no aggressive or toxic chemicals are used, Helium carrier gas (Argon possible alternatively)
Easy installation requirements
48 x 55 cm benchtop space, 1 power supply (230, 110, 100 V), and two gases are sufficient for maintenance free long time operation
Electronic micro balance:
balance and elemental analyzer form a system. We offer micro balances and analytical balances from the leading manufacturers with our instruments.
Upgrade kit sulfur:
For upgrading the basic instrument for highly precise sulfur determination in the trace concentration range, also in CHNS mode.
Sample feeder:
alternative carousels are available for larger samples with a volume up to 1 cm3
Upgrade kit oxygen:
for upgrading the basic unit to oxygen determination with a pyrolysis temperature of up to 1150 °C. Conversion of the bound oxygen to CO and detection with the built in TCD or alternatively with IR technology.
Upgrade kit chlorine:
for upgrading the basic instrument for the determination of chlorine.
Combustion of the sample at 1150 °C and detection of the formed
HCl with electrochemical sensors.
Capsule press:
for the dosing and gas tight sealing of tin capsules for liquid and sensitive samples.
vario Liquid Sampler, VLS:
The VLS automated sample feeder is used for liquid injections directly into the combustion chamber.
Manual gas/liquid injection:
for the injection of liquid or gaseous samples via a septum free injector port and a micro-syringe.
Sample former with pressing tool:
for the compaction of the wrapped samples and removal of air in soil samples.
Manual pressing tool:
for the manual compaction of the wrapped sample.
We offer all consumables required for the operation of our analyzers. These include combustion/reduction tubes, chemicals, measuring standards, sampe containers, seals, and instrument-specific wear parts. We do not compromise on quality of our parts and chemicals – this is the prerequisite of a guaranteed long lifetime of our instruments. When using original consumables from Elementar, a 10 year warranty on high temperature combustion furncace and thermoconductivity cell (TCD) is granted.
경기도 하남시 조정대로 150 (덕풍동 762) 아이테코 오렌지존 768
Phone: 031-790-1308 Fax: 031-790-1309 Email: info@ea-korea.com